Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Live Event Videography: What Are The Benefits?

A lot of companies make live appearances at conferences, conventions, and shows.

Key West Video at Enterprise Toronto

Key West Video at Enterprise Toronto

And often, they have booths – both private and public – showcasing their product. By making these live appearances, they are able to advertise their product and increase their outreach to a multitude of people at once.

Here at Key West Video, we specialize in creating content that is easily accessible to your viewers. Whether it’s a live corporate event or a taped one, we make sure our clients are happy with high-quality video.

One of the things we’ve noticed when we head out to corporate events is the lack of adequate video coverage. Company organizers and corporate sponsors are only now investing more into quality footage of live events.

Consider this a reminder: invest in a proper videography company. Like us.

Not only do you want to be able to recollect your employees live and in action, you also want to use this for in-house marketing. Companies are typically represented at networking events by a few representatives (often HR). Much of what they do goes unnoticed company-wide. By having an event video, a company is able to distribute footage across the different departments in order to promote employee participation in live events.

If you’re a smaller company, live videography is still important. It gives you the opportunity to expand your platform via online streaming. Smaller (and often younger) companies can benefit from reaching tech-savvy audiences through online streams and give them “insider access”.

Ideally, apps like Snapchat, Periscope, and Blab are able to do something similar, but for professional, high-quality video, it is best to go with a professional video operating company. High definition cameras with a high resolution, give that extra “oomf” to otherwise grainy footage.

Live event streaming means your audience is wholly engaged. They’ve made the deliberate decision to tune in.

When it comes to creating exceptional video quality, Key West Video has what you need. Visit our website and check out our portfolio today!

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Infomercials: Should Your Company Invest In Them?

We’ve all seen infomercials on our evening television. But at what point should your company consider creating one, or flat-out leave them alone?

Infomercials are an interesting way to get a message across.

We say interesting because they’ve been used so heavily since the introduction of the Golden Age of Television. Since the rise of consumerism in the 50s, we’ve become all too familiar with the late night television.

Infomercials (otherwise known as paid programming), have been dominating our post-primetime screens. Rumoured to have begun as early as the 50s, we’ve been saturated with late night products and pushy television salespersons.  We’re urged to buy Dolly Parton’s greatest hits. The latest cars. A plethora of household items that we simply don’t need.

Almost every single infomercial is the same. Demonstrate the product in a non-practical, almost comical way. Advertise its benefit to the customer. Emphasize the low price. Enthusiastically urge the consumer to whip out his or her credit card.

As entertaining as they may be, they’ve served their purpose. Many would argue that it is an outdated form of advertising. Some would even go so far as to say that the infomercial is dead.

Nevertheless, we are still in an age of televisual marketing. And infomercials still bring in a whole lot of money.

With our new age platforms always demanding our attention, the question now becomes: do we need infomercials?

The answer isn’t exactly simple. Here we take a look at some of the reasons for infomercials:

1. Instant Information

Infomercials speak to us directly. Though they typically rely on traditional media, they give us what we need. Why do we need this product? What makes this particular brand stand out from the rest? Is this new invention innovative? Will it help better our lives?

That is the ultimate test.

2. Engaging

If infomercials weren’t engaging, they wouldn’t be estimated at a whopping almost $100 billion dollars. And for broadcasters who sign off in the wee hours of the night, infomercials have taken over. In fact, they’ve become so successful they’re now given 30-minute programming slots.

Clearly, they’re paying off.

Consider commercials like the infamous ‘Slap Chop’. Enough said.

3. Deliberate

They prey on us. They call out our desires and make us want things we don’t need. They play on our psyche. They insist that we can’t live without this particular product or service and that if we don’t respond to the call to action right away, we’re missing out on something big.

It’s all a lie.

Infomercials are there to weed out the weak from the strong. And they’re deliberate. Buy at your discretion.

It’s unclear whether or not companies make long-lasting relationships with their consumers through infomercials. But one thing is for sure – infomercials are a highly profitable way to get your business out there.

Here at Key West Video, we create compelling video that could probably compete with the average three a.m. infomercial. For more on our services, visit our website today!

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Friday, June 24, 2016

Are you a #business in need of #whiteboard #animation? Contact @keywestvideo today! Sample from @diabeteshopefoundation #motion #adobe #aftereffects #toronto #diabetes #agency #loop

Are you a #business in need of #whiteboard #animation? Contact @keywestvideo today! Sample from @diabeteshopefoundation #motion #adobe #aftereffects #toronto #diabetes #agency #loop

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Traditional Media vs. New Media in Corporate Video

Since the introduction of new media, traditional mediums have found it difficult to compete.

And for corporate companies, the decision between new media versus traditional media can be a tough one.

In order to know how to market content to specific audiences, we must first observe how consumers use media.

Traditional Media

Traditional Media vs. New Media in Corporate Video

Photo credit: Skley via Foter.com / CC BY-ND

Traditional media relies on sending out a single message to a broad audience. When you think about it, it operates similarly to two tin cups and a string. It only offers one-way communication.

Traditional media also uses older mediums such as radio, television, newspaper and magazine ads. They’re what we’re familiar with. In fact, we’ve been using them for decades. They’ve rung tried and true when it comes to reaching the masses.

Whether we realize it or not, however, we often still do use traditional media. It’s what we listen to when we’re warming up our vehicles. It’s what we read when we’re waiting at the barbershop or hair salon. It’s what we see on television when our Internet is down.

Is it an outdated medium?

That’s for you to decide.

New Media

Traditional Media vs. New Media in Corporate Video

Photo credit: Tim Franklin Photography via Remodel Hunt / CC BY-NC-ND

New media reflects where the state of our video marketing is headed right now. Since the rise of social media, advertisers have flocked to new media as viable avenues to send out multiple messages. New media is able to isolate a particular audience, making it easier for marketers and advertisers to reach their targeted audience.

New media also uses data and online analytics to monitor its reach. By getting a report on what works and what doesn’t new media is able to revamp, retouch or redo it’s marketing approach altogether.

It usually consists of online platforms such as social networks, online video, and online streaming.

Finding Balance

Most companies find themselves polarized. This is a misconception. The tricky part is finding an equal balance between both. And believe us, it is possible.

Traditional media can be used to reach the masses. If your message is generic and all-encompassing enough, it may be worth considering using older, traditional mediums.

If you’re looking to reach a specific audience based on their age, race, or marital status etc., new media is the way to go. Not only is it tailored, it’s also easy to track. Curating online information leaves a trail of digital breadcrumbs. Companies are able to put the pieces together through analytical systems like Google Analytics and track the progress of their advertising.

As consumers, we’re an advertiser’s worst nightmare. We often use both traditional and new media on a daily basis. Between Millennial hipsters and the Baby Boomer generation, we’re a bag of mixed gems.

Ideally, a balance of both will make for a successful marketing campaign. We at Key West Video are able to work with clients who prefer with “generation” of media. For more info on our services, visit our website today!

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Monday, June 20, 2016

Amateur Videos: Are They The Way Of The Future?

Amateur videographers can now cash in on their content without needing any credentials.

You knew this day was coming. Amateur content has been chasing us since the 90s.

With the rise of technologically-based citizen journalism (and arguably the demise of actual journalism), we probably shouldn’t be surprised that content creation is next in line. It’s now easier than ever to record content and upload it onto the web for consumption.

Amateur Videos: Are They The Way Of The Future?

More affectionately called “user-generated content”, amateur videos have become increasingly popular as source material for news and media organizations. After all, it’s difficult for journalists, reporters, and social media aggregators to be any and everywhere at all times.

Truly reminiscent of our generation, we capture memorable moments on our smartphones. Funny incidents. Tragic accidents. Catastrophic events. Cute pet moments. We never waste an opportunity for our content to potentially go viral because, hey, viral hits mean increased popularity. In our semi-narcissistic society, what could be better than 1 week of internet fame?

The real challenge, however, is with media/news organizations and their relationship with amateur video capturers. Here we take a look at some of the prominent issues that can arise when it comes to using amateur video:

1. Validity

Naturally, it becomes harder to validate content. When a journalist founded Storyful back in 2010, it opened the doors for users to upload unrestricted content. Amateur video poured in, quickly making it a hotbed for news footage.

But one issue quickly arose: how on earth does one determine the credibility of the content? What authority does the “videographer” have to record this? And ultimately, why should we believe it?

Amateur videography arguably calls for even more work from news outlets. Crap quality aside, now inquiring journalists must work with the uploader to validate the content of the video.

2. Ethics

Barriers are broken when anyone is able to upload content onto a website. But how ethical is it? Users are presented with the opportunity to generate revenue from their content. Cue licensing fees. Companies like Viral Hog license video to major news outlets like ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, Fox, and BBC, to name a few.

It’s only fair that uploaders should be compensated fairly for their video. However, it’s still unclear as to how much someone can get in licensing fees for a video. According to Jonathan Skogmo, founder of multi-platform media and entertainment company Jukin, payments can range from $50 to $5,000.

3. Harassment

Think of user-generated content as an attractive girl at the bar.

A lot of people suddenly take an interest as soon as she walks in. Men from the left to the right offer her a drink. Suddenly, she’s the center of the party. She’s got something they want. And she’s got the option of who she wants to go home with.

This is both exciting and a little scary. If she isn’t careful, she’s now slightly more open to risk. Those around her may bombard her personal space. They might badger her with questions. They may even try to coerce her into giving more than she’s willing to.

The girl must play her cards right. Those surrounding her need to be mindful of their actions.

The same rings true for users and large media outlets looking to license their content. Outlets should be careful not to harass or take advantage of uploaders. While ideally most would respond favourably to potential monetary compensation, not everyone is willing to sell their content. Likewise, companies would benefit in doing a bit of research before starting a bidding war.

Here at Key West Video we pride ourselves on creating quality content that viewers can connect to. Whether it’s for educational or entertainment purposes (or a bit of both), we create compelling content aimed to engage viewers. Check out our website and contact us for a quote today!

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Thursday, June 16, 2016

How Netflix Monitors Your Viewing Habits

Ever wonder how Netflix knows what to recommend to you next? That’s because the video subscription service uses a system to monitor your viewing habits.

There’s a science to this. Viewing content online has become increasingly popular in the past decade. Many argue that Netflix has become an active competitor to linear TV, and threatens to make it obsolete. Other competitors such as Amazon, Shomi and Hulu have joined in on the race. With the competition as fierce as ever, Netflix must continue to satisfy its subscribers.

How Netflix Monitors Your Viewing Habits

One surefire way to do this is by paying attention to users’ viewing habits in order to curate and create content.

It isn’t a secret that Netflix’s content depends highly on the data retrieved from subscriptions. It’s what influences what types of shows will be made based on what people are interested in. It has a say in who to cast and what crew to use.

It’s like an online video version of Big Brother watching over us, carefully monitoring our viewing habits.

And after all, it’s a fair assumption to believe that Netflix has an algorithm for these things, right?


Would you believe us if we told you that Netflix’s user monitoring is a lot more simple than we thought?

One journalist from the Toronto Star visited Netflix’s headquarters in Los Gatos, California. He discovered that algorithmic data must just be a thing of the past. Instead, Netflix employees monitor what you watch in real-time.

After building a seemingly flawless rating system, Netflix “de-emphasized” that model. Gone are the days when it’s star-studded ratings from 1-5 actually meant something significant. Now, Netflix still pays attention to your rating…it just doesn’t use it as primary data.

In his article, Toronto Star reporter Tom Vanderbilt says,

asking people what they like is not the same thing as observing what they do. The beauty of the Internet is that regardless of what people say, you can see, with increasing fidelity, their actual behaviour.

Clearly, Netflix doesn’t have full faith in its users to trust them to be honest with their interests. Nevertheless, the video streaming service is able to extrapolate what viewers are really watching. This means they know what you watch when you watch it, where you’re watching it, where you press the pause button, what you watch next and what you repeatedly watch.

For more information, read Vanderbilt’s article here.

Here at Key West Video, we consider ourselves avid Netflix watchers. With a full portfolio of compelling video content, we invite you to check out our website today.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Should You Use A Short Film For Your Marketing Campaign?

A short film or a short video? Let’s first take a look at some of the differences between the two when marketing your company’s brand.

A lot of companies are moving towards creating marketable online content. More often than not, shorter video content is readily available, likable, and shareable. They get users to comment on videos that speak to them on multiple levels. This means that content appeals to their ethos.

A lot of our clients find themselves questioning whether or not they should do a short film or short video. Here we highlight some of the key differences between the two:

Short Film

Short films – unless experimental – often follow a narrative. Whether it’s live-action, animation, narration or character-driven, short films are told from a specific perspective. A short film is structured to follow a character through different events. Camera shots and angles are framed to help shape the story.

They also tell a story for a particular audience. There’s a reason why short film festivals ask video submissions to choose a category. Audiences have interests in specific genres more so than others.

Short Video

While short videos don’t always tell a story, they do send a message. Short videos are created with the intentions of promoting a product, service or brand. Depending on the type of reach a company wants to have, they can structure their short film to send out a particular message curated for their consumers.

Apple masterfully created a video for its swift, tech-savvy customers. Watch how the company flawlessly echoes Apple principles while marketing to a youthful audience:

They also must reach a particular audience. Depending on the product or service (and also dependent on the company), a client may create short video content to be shared on certain platforms. A specific platform means reaching out to a particular demographic based on their age, gender, socio-economic background, and any other relevant factors.

Here at Key West Video, we create both short films and short videos. By working alongside our clients, we work with you to create the best possible content to expand your reach. Check out our portfolio and contact us today!

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Friday, June 10, 2016

Why It’s Important To Like Your Video Production Crew

Most work environments require teamwork to some degree. In the video production world, being able to work as a part of a crew is no different.

When it comes to video production (especially for corporate video) one of the worst things that can happen is a dysfunctional video production crew. It is a breeding ground for frustration, stifled creativity, and lack of innovation. This is not to mention that it is also downright unprofessional. A video production crew should operate unanimously and as a single unit.

Why It's Important To Like Your Video Production Crew

Of all the top video crew complaints we’ve encountered in the past, these ones made the top of the list:

1. Punctuality Becomes an Issue

Ever have that one boss who just doesn’t care whether you walk in 15-30 minutes late?



In a video production, the rigid corporate rules apply a lot less. A lot of times production runs slightly off schedule due to circumstances outside of the crew’s control (e.g. weather, traffic, a Santa Claus parade, etc.). However, when it comes to on-set production, more often than not you’re operating on rented space. This means that you have a set amount of time to shoot in a permitted area. It also means that, like any job, punctuality is important. It especially means that, unlike any job, you can’t put in as much “overtime” hours on set unless you’ve specifically paid for that location. Time literally is money.

2. Annoying Habits Become Loathed Pet Peeves

Does one of your crew members constantly chew bubble gum? Click pens? Stomp their foot impatiently? All of these things might seem tolerable at first, but after 12-16 hour shoots, it might not seem as cute. Communicate with your crew members about the tendencies that bother you and try to come to a peaceful resolution…before things get ugly.

3. Long Hours

In order for the unaddressed habits to even get to you, you need a team that is able to withstand the distance in the first place. This means people who are experienced in long production sets and know how things work. This also means working with people who don’t complain incessantly about the long hours required to get a job done. That is the last thing you need at the end of a long day when everyone’s energy is waning.

4. Work Ethic

Equally as important, you need a team with a strong work ethic. A top notch video production crew not only knows their way around equipment but is also able to put that knowledge to use. Make sure everyone is working just as hard (or better yet, harder) than you are on set. Who knows? You might actually finish on time.

5. Recurring Work Gigs

A lot of times like-minded crew members will work together on different sets. If you want a fighting chance at being called back by a new or existing client, remember that impressions are everything. If your crew seemed intolerable, lazy, late or annoying the last time you were brought in, well, we can’t say whether or not you’ll be asked to return again.

It’s important to keep these things in mind before you and your crew decide to take on a project. We at Key West Video have finessed the art of video production and have chosen our production crew wisely. For more information on the services we provide, visit our website today!

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#video #still from @trans_canada #shoot. #corporatevideo #videoproduction #videomarketing #instapic #instawork #newyork #usa #energy #creative #work #transcanada

#video #still from @trans_canada #shoot. #corporatevideo #videoproduction #videomarketing #instapic #instawork #newyork #usa #energy #creative #work #transcanada

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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How Corporate Video Is Artistic, Too

People sometimes forget that the very medium of video – be it corporate or feature film – is artistic, too.

No matter how you spin it, capturing a shot on video serves its purpose in the art world as creating a moment onscreen. The ability to shoot video alone is an art in itself.

Corporate video calls for corporate clients to call on corporate video production companies. Only makes sense right?

Only where do you draw the line between vague corporate video requests and fulfilling an artistic vision? Often, companies like Key West Video are left with the guesswork. We are indirectly asked to come up with imaginative scenarios, informative (yet intriguing) scripts, and compelling visuals. Ideally, a corporate company (read: client) wants to use the video for educational, promotional or instructional services. Our job is to do just that. But do it well.

How Corporate Video Is Artistic, Too

The trick is to infuse an artistic vision, even if it’s minimal.

Of course, this means working directly with our clients. We work with our coordinates step-by-step to ensure that their vision is realized and put into action. When requested, we guide unsure clients through our creative process to ensure we’re all on the same page. When requested, we present storyboard options for our clients to choose from. Sometimes they present us with their ideas and we develop them. Other times, we pitch them our own.

No matter how closely we work with a client, one thing that it always comes down to is artistic direction. We may see eye-to-eye on a given aesthetic, but it is almost always the videographer who actualizes ideas. This means using his or her artistic, creative eye to bring a client’s vision to fruition.

Typically, we deal with corporate clients who look for:

  • Training/Instructional videos
  • Promotional videos
  • Stories (accompanied with b-roll and/or voiceover)
  • Music videos

Though most of these types of content come with their own level of artistry, we are able to add our own personal ‘Key West flair’ to the video, separating us from the pack. We create stunning video quality that speaks to your audience. By creating visually appealing content, we believe that you as the client are better able to spread your message through this platform.

For more on the artistic work we do, visit our website and check out our portfolio today!

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The #crew #shooting #construction on a 6km stretch of road. All #dji #ronin all the time. #videoproduction #corporatevideo #work #5dmarkiii #instapic #video #ontario #canada

The #crew #shooting #construction on a 6km stretch of road. All #dji #ronin all the time. #videoproduction #corporatevideo #work #5dmarkiii #instapic #video #ontario #canada

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Monday, June 6, 2016

Is Transmedia the Future of Corporate Video Marketing?

Transmedia is making more and more companies reconsider the way they reach their audiences.

Gone are the days when media relied on a single platform to get their message across.

Though transmedia storytelling typically relies on just that – storytelling – a lot of corporate companies can take away the tactics transmedia uses. Often, companies with larger budgets are able to create a movement with their marketing campaign. This means reaching mass audiences with content marketable enough to make it easy to carry across platforms.

In the entertainment world, a transmedia marketing campaign could mean building an entire world. Think of the Matrix franchise or popular DC or Marvel; they’ve built an entire universe dedicated to continuing the world. Their franchise is carried through merchandise, books/graphic novels, films, video games and more.

If you’re grappling with whether or not you should take the transmedic approach, consider weighing your options first. Is Transmedia the Future of Corporate Video Marketing?


First, let’s start with some of the reasons why companies would not want to go the transmedic route. One reoccurring reason might be that some companies fear their message not translating well across the different platforms. Undoubtedly, more work is required to format campaign messages to specific mediums. Some companies simply do not have a sizeable budget.


Another worry is when it comes to partnering up with other companies for marketing campaigns and promotions. It can be difficult to come up with a unified message in the first place when it comes to dealing with big corporations. When transmedia is involved, the message must not only be unified – it must be simple and strong enough to be understood by all parties involved.

This is the reason why a lot of artists operate independently with cross-platform market – it is easier to retain a singular, consistent message.


Some upsides to transmedia marketing are, of course, the reach. You are now reaching your audience in a multitude of ways. What’s more is that you are now also able to expand your audience. This means a wider range your brand can now access. It also means shaping your content for each platform in order to cater to different audiences. For example, if you were offering an online service, it would be safe to assume that a lot of your traffic would come from mobile users. This could translate to creating an app specifically for those users who are, on average, the Millennials and Generation Ys of our time.

Another upside is the idea of hiding clues in multiple areas. With a wider reach, you’re able to incorporate elements of your brand on different platforms. This adds a bit of fun to your marketing campaign; by planting ‘clues’, audiences are forced to participate differently in order to grasp your full outreach. Audience participation is essential to transmedic storytelling. It ensures that your audience is fully engaged. It gives the audience a sense of purpose by providing specific roles and goals for them to achieve. It is a way of fragmenting a message to really push your audience to think critically in a fun way.

Audience participation is essential to transmedic storytelling. It ensures that your audience is fully engaged. It gives the audience a sense of purpose by providing specific roles and goals for them to achieve. It is a way of fragmenting a message to really push your audience to think critically in a fun way.

So what will you choose? While transmedia comes with its own set of perks and downsides, it’s important to determine what platform(s) fit your message best and which audience you’re servicing. Here at Key West Video, we offer a multitude of services in order to best serviced our clients’ needs. To check out more on who we are and what we do, check out our website today!

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Friday, June 3, 2016

#interview with #louferrigno @niagarafallscomiccon for the #documentary #heroesmanufactured. #hulk #comiccon #niagarafalls #niagara #comics #actor #superhero #bodybuilding #videoproduction #canon #canada

#interview with #louferrigno @niagarafallscomiccon for the #documentary #heroesmanufactured. #hulk #comiccon #niagarafalls #niagara #comics #actor #superhero #bodybuilding #videoproduction #canon #canada

The post #interview with #louferrigno @niagarafallscomiccon for the #documentary #heroesmanufactured. #hulk #comiccon #niagarafalls #niagara #comics #actor #superhero #bodybuilding #videoproduction #canon #canada appeared first on Corporate Video Blog.

Which Editing Software Should You Be Using?

One of the biggest challenges many editors face is what editing software to invest in.

Which Editing Software Should You Be Using?

Avid, Apple, and Adobe – the editing software trifecta – have dominated the digital editing market. With these three to choose from, it can be difficult to decide on which one is the right fit for you. For newer editors just starting out, this can be especially tricky.

While a lot of editing software ultimately aims to achieve the same thing, we’ve pointed out some key differences that might make your decision a little easier:

Avid (Media Composer)

Probably the oldest of the three, Media Composer (more affectionately known under the mononym, Avid) has rung tried and true for almost 30 years. Chances are some of your favourite movies were cut on this editing software. From the Avengers to The Hunger Games, Avid is prized for its negative cut list feature for matching back to camera original negative.

It’s also old-fashioned.

Though originally designed for Apple computers, Avid quickly made the switch to PC when Apple became a direct competitor. In a Macbook Pro-dominated era, this might be a bit of a problem for newer, more “green” editors.

Avid is still a goodie, but definitely an oldie.

Adobe Premiere Pro

The general consensus is that Premiere Pro’s version 6 (and everything thereafter) is superb. Like most Apple products, there is a seamless integration into much of Apple’s other products, such as Photoshop and After Effects.

Premiere Pro alone has the added effect of not having to render out every single effect added onto a sequence. This means no red squiggly lines for each audio transition or cross-fade.

Thank God.

We at Key West Video use Premiere Pro for our client videos. We prefer Adobe’s smooth interface and easy-to-navigate built-in editing tools.

Apple Final Cut Pro

Notice we didn’t mention iMovie? Final Cut Pro, Apple’s precious lovechild of the 90s, was birthed from a program called “KeyGrip“.

Apple changed the game with its turnkeys. While Avid required its users to purchase the full package – hardware, software, and service contract – Apple offered its program alone. It was also a lot less expensive.
Above all else, one thing that editors and content creators alike must keep in mind is that the tools don’t matter as much as the skill. Just because you have the tools doesn’t mean you have the craft.

Here at Key West Video, we offer a wide range of video services, including post-production. Our editors are skilled in a multitude of editing software, making for flawless cuts and seamless edits. Visit our website and view our online portfolio today!

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

#VideoStill from a #greenscreen #shoot with @sommevents in our #studio. #videoproduction #greenscreenstudio #corporatevideo #events #instapic #toronto #sommevents

#VideoStill from a #greenscreen #shoot with @sommevents in our #studio. #videoproduction #greenscreenstudio #corporatevideo #events #instapic #toronto #sommevents

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#Motion #animation #loop for #iaclaringtoninvestments new #website. #aftereffects #design #toronto

#Motion #animation #loop for #iaclaringtoninvestments new #website. #aftereffects #design #toronto

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Corporate Video: Why Lighting Matters So Much

Don’t believe what they tell you – lighting is everything.

Corporate Video: Why Lighting Matters So Much

Despite what you may have thought, lighting can make or break your corporate video. You, a consumer of media (and probable selfie-taker), should know the importance of good lighting. It highlights our best facial features. It hides our loathed imperfections. It complements who we are…well, at least aesthetically.

Key Light

A key light is your main source of light. Assuming you’re doing an interview (or something to that effect requiring the use of a static subject on camera), you will need a strong light to pick up your interviewee. Many camera operators and cinematographers will state that the best area to place the light is roughly 45 degrees either side of the camera. However, because it is such a strong light, it will undoubtedly cause facial shadowing. Key lights must be counter-balanced with other lights, such as the following:

Fill Light

Placed on the opposite side of the key light, the fill light is also situated roughly 45 degrees from the camera. While sometimes it is impossible to eradicate all traces of facial shadowing, fill lights serve to eliminate as much shadowing as possible.

Back Light

This is the light that goes, well, at the back. Slated to light your subject from the rear, it is intended to help your subject stand out from the background. It is all too easy for your on-camera talent to become a ‘part of the background’, making it imperative that he or she doesn’t disappear into the scenery.

Diffused and Direct Light

For dramatic effect, direct light is the best way to go. More often than not, many corporate clients find that diffused light – light that requires a gel or diffuser – is the best way to go for informational and training videos, as well as interviews. Gels and diffusers reflect a softer, less harsh light on the subject.

Here at Key West Video we offer exceptional full videography services – including lighting. For more information on our services, visit our website here!

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