Thursday, July 28, 2016

Do Video Commercials for Live Events Even Matter?

In 2016, it no longer comes as a surprise that an influx of commercials air around the time of a major world event.

From the Olympics to FIFA to G20 Summits, we’re bombarded with a plethora images and video ads often with strong messages. It’s always interesting to note the influx of new content when it comes to a new [sporting] event. But do these video ads make a tangible difference?

Here we take a look at some of the metrics involved with different brands airing their video advertisements around game time.

When evaluating video commercials, it’s important to pay attention to widely publicized video campaigns that have been successful in the past.

Kia’s 2014 Matrix-esque SuperBowl commercial (starring Laurence Fishburne) did exceptionally well, with the car company have a great third quarter following the release of this ad.

Adidas UK did something similar for the 2012 London Olympic Games. Leveraging Olympic athletes and familiar faces (FKA twigs (30 seconds in) with a compelling voiceover, the commercial went viral.

Small Business Chron addresses one way to evaluate TV advertisements. Essentially, ratings depend on two things: video advertisement placing and the quality of said video. By promoting via video advertisements or commercials during highly-viewed programming is undoubtedly a great way to get your brand noticed and generate sales. And with compelling content? Even better.

And with compelling content? Even better.

We live in a dominant Internet era in which online viral videos sometimes mean more than televised advertisement. Companies would benefit from monitoring their website’s traffic and social media (with interlinks) to determine their traffic channels. Depending on the type of marketing campaign (e.g. a new product versus a service), one must strategize how an audience will receive your brand. A new product might be easier to sell at face value with compelling or engaging visuals, making it simpler to market through social channels. But a new service calls for more detailed information on how it can benefit your users, pricing information, and what credibility you offer as a company.

Here at Key West Video, we work with clients to develop compelling for both live events and individually-set marketing campaigns. For more info on the services we provide, contact us today!

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Things to Consider When Mapping Out Your Marketing Strategy

A foolproof marketing strategy is essential to an effective marketing campaign.

And a sound marketing strategy, though essential, is also highly subjective depending on your company’s needs. Whether you’re a local bakery or a major tech corporate, one thing that most companies share in common is their need for a large enough reach for their business.

Here we take a look at some of the key factors involved when planning out what your video marketing strategy:


Marketing Land, a digital marketing publication, pointed out that knowing what resources you have is instrumental in the process. Identifying your resources will help you tell your story. That pre-planning will allow you to figure out what kind of message or story you can tell with the resources available to you.


Companies sometimes think that posting their videos on a video streaming platform such as YouTube or Vimeo (or worse, their own website) is the be all end all of video marketing.

This could not be further from the truth.

Creating a video and then launching it into the universe simply isn’t enough. Companies must be strategic in choosing which social media platforms best stream certain content. For example, Facebook has proven time and time again that it can be an invaluable source of potential visibility when users share content. Judging by the sheer amount of content online, Facebook users have shared videos with compelling, entertaining or informative content in the thousands. How can your company create something specific to this platform that users will want to spread across their feeds? Is it universal enough? Does it appeal to their audience? What sort of impact will it have? That will determine the message, content length, and overall aesthetic to the project.


Companies who assess how their videos will be received are the ones who are able to make effective strategies. Usually, these are companies who’ve had success in the past with content creation and have an understanding of how to measure video metrics.

Many marketing gurus will point out that simply getting a high number of views (or going viral) is not enough. Instead, companies would benefit from really understanding video analytics. On average, how long are people sticking around to watch your video? This affects how long you can make the next one. How many times were your videos repeated? This will determine the type of shareability of your content. What was the drop-off rate (or visitors flow)? The more you narrow down your analytics (even to individual user patterns), the better you become at understanding them.


Keep it simple, silly.

No, really.

Audiences nowadays have shorter attention spans, making it difficult to create content longer than a few minutes.

This is not only important for audience retention. It’s also cost-effective for production. Sticking to concise videos makes it easier on both a production crew to create premium quality in a tighter timeframe.

Here at Key West Video, we specialize in working directly with our clients to develop the best possible marketing strategies through a visual medium. For more information on our services, visit our website today!

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Friday, July 22, 2016

Why YouTube And Vimeo’s Emmy Awards Are Important

History was made at this year’s Emmy Awards when it decided to recognize and include digital content among its awards.

The Emmy Awards have a long tradition of awarding great television. For over 60 years, they’ve made it their duty to hunt down the best in premium content.

This year, the Emmy’s expanded its categories to include the short-form series, spanning over multiple digital streaming platforms.

The following categories (as seen on are listed below:

  • Outstanding Short-Form Series – Comedy or Drama
  • Outstanding Short-Form Series – Variety
  • Outstanding Short-Form Series – Reality/Non-Fiction
  • Outstanding Actor in a Short-Form Series – Comedy or Drama
  • Outstanding Actress in a Short-Form Series – Comedy or Drama

Among those will most likely include wins from digital streaming platforms such as YouTube Red, Vimeo, Crackle, AOL and much more. YouTube and Crackle quickly snatched up three nominations this week – a monumental feat in light of this new precedent.

Why YouTube And Vimeo's Emmy Awards Are Important

Among YouTube’s nominations was HerStory and Honest Trailers feat. Deadpool.

Crackle, a division of Sony Pictures Television, also got a nod from the Emmy’s for its work on Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee (2012).

And now that these platforms are gaining mainstream recognition, what does this say about the awards show?

Well, it gives emerging, existing networks and distribution platforms the opportunity to have a seat at the table. This year’s Emmy changes mark the shift that mainstream television is experiencing. More and more people are viewing their content digitally, and it would only make sense that this means better online content curated based on public interest. In a world where newer and better content always pushes creative limits, it would almost be a lost opportunity NOT to recognize these platforms’ content.

It also means that these platforms have now been ordained into the mainstream world. The question then becomes: will their content change? Now these online communities are taking home esteemed statuettes. But will the academy have a say in the type of content created?

Judging by the consistency in previously Emmy-nominated shows (such as House of Cards, for example), it’s easy to say no. If anything, this will probably boost viewership and have viewers flocking to these forums for their now-officiated premium content.

Here at Key West Video, we consider ourselves superior content viewers. We appreciate great video and aim to emulate high-quality content for our clients. For more information on the services we provide, visit our website today!

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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Meet dubdub: The Video Production Mobile App

Ever thought you’d be able to edit videos on your phone? dubdub, a new video app, lets you do just that.

dubdub is quickly being ‘dubbed’ as the answer to an indie content creator’s prayers, and rightfully so.

The new video app makes it easy for bloggers and amateur videographers alike to shoot, edit, and share high-quality content of up to 90-seconds. The app touts itself as being able to bypass “long production times and complex editing processes”, according to PRN.

It’s no secret that video editing can be a headache. No matter how passionate an editor you are, there’s no getting around the fact that it can take a long time to cut a video piece. Clients and video editors are often at the mercy of long rendering wait times on non-linear editing platforms such as Avid, Final Cut, and Adobe Premiere Pro.

But not anymore.

The way we consume content is constantly changing. Our generation is constantly on the go, antiquating the tradition of having to sit in front of the television to watch video. We’re even starting to move slowly away from laptops and get more and more into mobile content. Even popular blogs and niche media outlets rely heavily on mobile traffic to drive sales to their sites.

It was only a matter of time before one of the most time-consuming jobs started making the switch to mobile, too.

dubdub influences the way we capture. Now, we’re able to get the content we need as fast as we want. It speaks directly to a culture with an insatiable appetite for attention-grabbing visuals and highly stimulating sounds.

But does it have to potential to put corporate video productions out of business?

Well, the answer isn’t quite so clear-cut.

For one, the quality and resolution of your footage depend on your camera, with most smartphones shooting at around 8 megapixels. Got the latest iPhone 6 Plus? That’s nice. Canon 7D cameras still shoot in 18 megapixels.

It also doesn’t address the issue of music rights when a creator uses sound. It’s assumed that the music provided in-app is cleared to use, but there aren’t any indications in the fine print.

While still relatively new, users are still sinking their toes into this new video editing app. It isn’t certain whether or not it will be the one to stand out in the pack, or join the ranks of the infinite number of other video editing apps.

Here at Key West Video, we create dependable, professional, high-quality video that speaks directly to your audience. Contact us for a quote today!

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Monday, July 18, 2016

Social Media Storytelling and Corporate Video

We often overlook the ways corporate video can utilize the power of storytelling. What would happen if we took full advantage of tools to improve our marketing strategies?

Storytelling is in everything we do. We as humans crave the drama in a good story – we ache for details, cringe at tragedy and long for happy endings. We require some persuasive appeal to make a decision.

We have an unconscious need to be nudged.

Here are some ways your company can improve its social media marketing strategy through online storytelling:

1. Following Story Structure

Social Media Examiner references Freytag’s pyramid as a powerful tool for story structure. It separates a story into five major arcs: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Like most narratives, social media storytelling must follow some flow. Otherwise, the message becomes lost. Think of ways in which your company can emulate these aspects. How can you best explain your marketing initiative in a subtle, but succinct way? What sort of investment can your business draw out of its audience? What is the gratifying climactic point? Is there an emotional payoff? And how will your story conclude?

For marketing campaigns with clear intentions, creating a solid story structure not only sends the message home but keeps viewers coming back for more.

2. Using Story Ads

By telling your ads in story-form, viewers are more likely to engage and interact with your content. Online ads such as Facebook advertisements are great ways to expand your reach.

It only makes sense that companies should take advantage of this opportunity to engage with their viewers. With compelling content and a clear call to action, story ads can prove highly beneficial to corporate companies looking to expand their online presence.

Check out these awesome social media advertisements that utilize storytelling in the most creative ways.

3. Adding Audience Value

By incorporating an interconnected system, you distance yourself from just branding and allow your business to cater to your customers’ values. What do they care about? And how can you include this in your company’s brand packaging?

This is your opportunity to develop your core audience, develop a communication strategy that speaks directly to them, and create a forum in which there is a two-way avenue for extensive outreach and connection. Give them an incentive to interact with you.

4. Telling Familiar Stories

…is yet another strategy based on your audience. Familiarity humanizes your brand and shows your audience that you are not only paying attention to what they care about, but also indicates that you care about what they do. It’s a way for audiences to familiarize themselves with a product or service that might be entirely new to them.

5. Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Last but not least, you’ll need a Unique Value Proposition (UVP) to drive the message home. At its core, a UVP describes why consumers should choose your company. It’s a clear statement that offers the benefits of selecting you, how you can solve others’ needs and why you stand out. It’s a repeated message all over your brand and should be on virtually every aspect of your company including your website’s main page and social media.

Here at Key West Video, we specialize in curating our client content to help them better reach their audience. For more information on the services we provide, visit our website today.


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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Why You Should Repurpose Your Corporate Video

What happens when the corporate video you’ve already made and shared it with the world doesn’t get you the results you want? Repurpose it!

Many think that when their videos don’t get the traffic or views that they want, that there’s something wrong with the content. In a panic, they immediately take it down. In some extreme cases, they act as if the video never existed and shelf it. What they don’t realize, however, is that a repurpose is all it takes to get their video to where it needs to be.

In the marketing world, copy is constantly written, edited, and rewritten. More often than not, it isn’t completely taken down. Copywriters understand the value of words and how necessary it is to have those digital crumbs seeded on the internet.

But for some reason, this same approach isn’t applied to corporate video.


Well, for one, many think it simply isn’t possible. They don’t even realize that videos can be repurposed to improve its SEO, better reach their target audience, or refresh outdated information. Here we list some ways in which you can repurpose your corporate video for a better reception:


Transcribing your videos has its benefits for obvious reasons. Not only is it inclusive of those who suffer from hearing loss, but it’s also an added benefit to able-bodied persons as well. By transcribing your video, you’re making it easier to digest your content for your viewers and can serve as the source for potential blog content.

It also has the added benefit of becoming more search-friendly since it can be indexed on Google and YouTube.

Shorten Videos Into Clips

Millennials are known to have shorter attention spans than ever. In fact, it’s hard to engage us after 2 minutes. That means that in 120 seconds, you’ve got to capture and keep your audience’s attention long enough to make a call to action. This is a lot harder than it sounds.

When creating video content, map out where you’d like your video to go. YouTube virtually has no limit to the length of the video you can upload. Most users upload their content to social networks like Facebook to increase their view count. Companies can also look to Facebook as a direct uploading video source, as Facebook allows longer videos than those of its competitors (Twitter and Instagram). However, this doesn’t necessarily mean your audience will stick through your video to the end. Twitter and Instagram knew this and quickly took advantage of creating a short video sharing limit to their already popular platforms.

Some ways you can tighten up and repurpose already existing content is by:

  • Stringing explainer or testimonial videos together
  • Captioning video to provide additional onscreen information
  • Using poignant interview clips and quotes in a series of FAQs about your company

For more information on how you can repurpose video content, visit ReelSeo’s blog post here. We at Key West Video work directly with our clients to ensure their content is quality. Visit our website for more today!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Types of Corporate Video: Which One Should You Be Using?

Sometimes our clients aren’t sure what types of corporate content they should be putting out.

If you’re like most progressive companies, you’re looking for ways to increase your online reach. Creating corporate videos are one way to engage your audience in an interesting, visually compelling way. But what types of video should you be using?

A lot of non-creative companies find themselves at odds with the type of content they want. After all, it can be hard to decipher the best way to showcase your product or service when you’ve never had to create a video clip, write a script, or reach out to a production company like us.

We’ve got you covered.

If you’re ever at odds with the kind of corporate video you want, consider the following types of professional video:

The Explainer Video

The ‘explainer’ video (otherwise known as a video tutorial) is a powerful visual tool that can be used to get to the nitty gritty of your product or service. With compelling visuals, quick shots, time-lapses, and enticing voiceover, any brand can turn an otherwise dull instructional video into a highly intriguing explainer video.

The Product/Service Overview

An overview can supplement an explainer video, or stand alone. Generally, overview videos ‘review’ your product or service. They show your audience how to use your brand and show how user-friendly it is. Practicality is essential when introducing new product.

The Presentation

Another type of corporate video is the presentation video. A lot of times, this means a corporate video production company will attend a live presentation. Whether it is live-streamed or recorded and edited later, larger corporations benefit from video showing the inner-workings of the corporate community. It’s also a direct way to spread company knowledge to its viewership – especially when it comes directly from the source.

The Event Coverage

Event coverage is an easy way to expand viewership and create interesting content. Event coverage is almost always entertaining, with high energy and fast cutaways. They’re meant to show the fun in corporate climates.

The Testimonial

Nothing beats a good testimonial. Usually coming from customers, testimonials are a powerful tool meant to boost the credibility of your company. They are a direct way of showing off the results of your product or service, and can sway unsure buyers into choosing you. Testimonials from high-profile guests, valued customers, or those with social media pull can greatly elevate your presence both on and offline.

The Interview

Lastly, we have the interview. Like the presentation, this type of corporate video gives audiences information directly from the source. But unlike the presentation, the interview can either be a lot more (or less) formal. It’s also a lot more personal, giving your audience an up-close view of what employees have to say.

Here at Key West Video, we do all types of corporate video. We work with our clients to ensure their corporate visual needs are met. Visit our website for more information on our services today!

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Monday, July 11, 2016

The Balance Between Live-Action And Animation

Companies sometimes find themselves at a crossroads when attempting to balance live-action and corporate animation.

We at Key West Video might have finally found the perfect balance between the two. While animation and live-action are often combined, they do suit their specific niches.

A lot of our clients like to use live-action for their corporate video. Some of our most popular live-action videos are instructional video tutorials, corporate training, staff interviews, and commercials.

But notice that we said our clients like live-action.

They don’t require it.

Live-action is not a necessity.

On the other hand, some of our clients ask for a more visually appealing approach. They understand that certain content doesn’t always catch our attention, and request corporate animation, instead. This usually means infographs, doodle animation, charts, graphs, and sometimes even characters.

But what about combination videos? In the corporate video production world, it can be tough when figuring out how to balance both. Here we’ve outlined a list of things to consider when weighing your options.


We’ve found that technology-savvy companies lean towards animation in their corporate videos. Animations are a clean, yet engaging, way to pique your audience’s interest. They provide your message – be it informative or educational -in a visually stimulating way.

At their core, animations are meant to be a fun way to send a message across, and can resonate better with your viewers.

Time Frame

A time frame is another thing to consider when debating live-action versus animation. The desired length of your video and production timeline can heavily restrict your production schedule. Depending on how tight your deadline is, live-action might be the easier option. How long is your supposed video? How soon do you need your corporate video?

Editing requires a great deal of time. Creating keyframes for animation takes even longer.

How long is your supposed video? How soon do you need your corporate video?


Animation on the other hand, requires a lot more technical work and highly-skilled editors to complete the job. Equipment used for high-end non-linear editing suites can be expensive, too.


One last thing to consider is the platform. More often than not, live-action is used for bigger mediums such as television. Live-action can mean as little as writing a script, casting a few actors and shooting with basic lighting, audio equipment, and a good camera.

If your marketing strategy relies on making an online presence, animation is a cool way to cut through the noise. A strong message with crisp visuals can really resonate with users and make for a rock-solid video marketing campaign.

Each client’s brand is different, making it difficult to determine a definitive answer. We at Key West Video have expertise in working directly with our clients to find the best possible way to executive their corporate video needs. For more information on our services, visit our website today.

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Thursday, July 7, 2016

4K Resolution vs. Virtual Reality in Corporate Video

We were all there to witness the birth of 4K resolution.

YouTube. Vimeo. TV monitors. You name it. 4K resolution quickly became popular on everything.

The way we viewed content changed so much, we thought we were given new vision.

Typically operating in 4,000 pixels, 4K (also known as Ultra HD) displays offers more detailed resolution for various displays such as computer monitors, cameras, TV, and projectors.

For television specifically, it uses a 4096 x 2160 resolution giving us bigger, brighter and less pixelated content. We’ve even heard unverified claims that 4K resolution can make a blind man see.

But imagine a world where, instead of browsing the Internet in a more detailed way, you could create an entirely new reality.

That’s something to get excited about.

The rise of VR (virtual reality) may have dethroned our excitement for 4K resolution when Google Chrome introduced a VR shell. Now to be used online, Google Chrome has rolled out with a new development VR program – Google Daydream – that lets users view VR content through Google Cardboard glasses.

4K Resolution vs. Virtual Reality in Corporate Video

Photo credit: sndrv via / CC BY

The new, experimental, browser addition will allow its users to experience the Internet in a new way.

According to, the program can be activated by entering “http://chromeflags/#enable-vr-shell” in the URL bar. However, it warns that users should be wary; the program is still experimental phase and is not fully functional.

It seems the way of the future is already here, again. Google’s already reported to have Daydream ready for smartphones, headsets, and controllers.

They’ve even announced that Google Play will have its virtual store users can download and find new content on. It’s coming to the point where we consumers are technologically spoiled. We’ve been able to experience content in better ways with newer and newer technology. Though VR doesn’t exactly let us into the Internet, it gets us pretty darn close.

Here at Key West Video, we pride ourselves on remaining updated with new and existing technologies. Contact us for a quote today!

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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Sometimes people inexplicably bring their pets to work. @duttyfresh #why #whytho #dog #puppy #Maltipoo #canon #5dmarkiii #videoproduction

Sometimes people inexplicably bring their pets to work. @duttyfresh #why #whytho #dog #puppy #Maltipoo #canon #5dmarkiii #videoproduction

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Marketing Strategies and Memes in the Corporate World

Corporate companies have been known to hop onto popular trends when creating a new marketing strategy. But what about memes?

Memes have become a huge part of our Millennial culture. We’ve seen more companies go to greater lengths to reach younger audiences. Now with the influence of memes, it’s hard to say whether these internet mimicries will infiltrate the corporate marketing world.

In case you were wondering what a meme is, it functions as a popular element of our culture or behaviour that’s passed along from one person to another.

In our current social media age, Internet memes have done just that, often reflecting popular trends, news, and nostalgic references.

Here we’ve compiled a list of things to consider when deliberating if you should use memes.


You’ve heard us talk about the importance of knowing your audience before, but here’s another reminder. If you’re still reading this, your target audience is probably Generation Y and younger. Knowing your audience then becomes a bit more strategic; you’re no longer targeting an age group, you’re targeting people based on their interests. Sports fans. Music fans of multiple genres. Fandoms of various shows and movies. The whole shebang. Make sure you understand who you’re speaking to.

Social Media Trends

When it comes to memes, timing is of utmost importance. Unless your meme content is strong (or memorable enough) to stand alone, memes are almost always made right after a popular event. Twitter is infamous for using the popular ‘Crying Jordan’ meme for sports events and awards shows. More specifically, it’s often photoshopped onto the face of someone who’s experienced a loss of some degree.

For example, when the Golden State Warriors lost to the Cleveland Cavaliers in the 2016 NBA Finals, the Crying Jordan meme was instantaneously photoshopped onto Steph Curry’s body and spread across the Twitterverse.

Marketing Strategies and Memes in the Corporate World

Photo via


Nothing screams embarrassing more than an outdated meme. The content must be relevant. The subject of your meme should be easily recognizable by a multitude of people. Only then will it resonate and spread. Memes are most effective when they reflect current or recent events and go viral through social media.

Here at Key West Video we create fun, ‘memeable’ content on demand. For more on our services, visit our website today!

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